A squirrel

I'm a mathematician broadly interested in geometric and categorical structures coming from theoretical physics. Currently I work on symplectic geometry and mirror symmetry; in particular, I think about Fukaya-categorical structures associated to symplectic fibrations with singularities. Even more specifically, I think about:

Broad areas of interest include: symplectic geometry, algebraic geometry, contact geometry, as well as mathematical physics and mathematical logic. Various notes of mine can be found here, and notes from talks I have given here.

I completed my PhD at Harvard University in May 2023, working on homological mirror symmetry under Denis Auroux.

I wrote my Minor Thesis at Harvard on Perverse Sheaves and D-modules under the supervision of Dennis Gaitsgory.

Before coming to Harvard I completed a Master's thesis at the University of California, Berkeley on Global Monodromy for Fukaya-Seidel Categories, under the supervision of Denis Auroux; this can be found here. This is not intended to be a rigorous development of the subject.

In Spring 2020 I taught a tutorial on Classical Mechanics and Symplectic Geometry.